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Webdevelopment blog

Vue x

How to test Nuxt.js asyncData and fetch hooks

When you setup a new project with the official create-nuxt-app or when you do it manually you probably setup a testing framework to write unit tests. Most Nuxt.js and Vue applications use the official @vue/test-utils which includes clever methods and options to help you write the best unit tests for your application. You probably tried to test your asyncData or fetch hook but couldn't succeed. This article explains why this is, but also…

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Vue components vs directives

A directive is an HTML attribute with the purpose to reactively apply side effects to the DOM. In Vue directives are prefixed with v-, you probably have already used a few directives before; v-if, v-for, v-model etc. But did you know you can write your own directives? This article will explain the differences between Vue directives and Vue components and when you can add your own custom directives. The differences between components and…

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Vue components disappear in AEM

When you edit a component in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) the system is smart enough to not reload the page but to only reload the html of the component. A nice trick to let editors edit content without wasting any time waiting on the page to reload. The problem Unfortunately this comes with an issue; frontend frameworks.…

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Communication between Vue components

When you develop a Vue application you're probably developing multiple components. Many components work independently and are therefore easy to use, but in some occasions, you want your components to work together. For example, when you want to share data, share a state or want to use output from one component in an other component. Although the documentation of Vue feels complete and clear, it lacks information about implementing communication…

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Starten met unit testen in Vue

Vue wordt door steeds meer developers gebruikt. Laravel geeft out of the box de mogelijkheid om gebruik te maken van Vue en Bootstrap, maar ook React of Angular developers kiezen steeds vaker voor Vue. Na het meewerken bij een aantal projecten waar VueJS wordt ingezet begin ik te merken dat er nauwelijks wordt getest. Meest genoemde redenen zijn dat het testen te veel tijd kost en dat unit testen in de frontend moeilijk is. Volgens een…

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